Thursday, October 31, 2013


The first costume I saw today was on a beagle in my neighborhood. It had a slug costume, with eyes on stalks, strapped to its back. The beagle did not appear to be discomfited by this.

The second costume I saw was on a boy about a year old, who wore a pirate hat. He was in a stroller on K St., looking about alertly.

The best costume was worn by a girl on our street, soon to be three years old. She was "a ballerina monster not a scary one a friendly one." She gets credit for coming up with the notion, and her mother for figuring out how to bring it about: short dress, full and frilly below the waist; a goatee draw in, and dark circles around the eyes.

The drizzle that set in about 7:30 may have reduced the number of trick-or-treaters. We gave generously, and have candy left.

Our jack o'lantern:

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