When the effect of age on my eyes was beyond denying, the optometrist suggested progressive lenses, saying that they worked well for those who worked with computers. I found that this was so. I also found drawbacks. Steps down required care until I was used to the glasses. Distance vision was best at a narrow strip across the top of the lenses, which sometimes made me tuck my chin down to see a block or two down the street.
This time, with the distance band having moved a few degrees down, I thought that I should try bifocals. I got them on Monday. For distance they were excellent. For reading print they were good. For computer work they were deficient. I make my living working on computers.
The eyeglasses vendor will replace the bifocals with progressives, for a nominal price. I am wearing my old glasses until the new arrive.
Having to start to wear glasses after having had really good vision gave me a shock. It was the first gentle message that life doesn't last forever. ZMKC